Old home town – 100 years ago today

From the Lawrence Daily World for April 5, 1906: “Election in Lawrence passed very quietly with no contests and no surprises except in the Third Ward where A.L. Cox was sprung as a surprise. He defeated W.H. Johns, the regular nominee. Cox had stated he would not serve but he can hardly go back on his friends now after they put him in office. He undoubtedly will serve. There is some talk of a special election but it does not appear that will occur. : The quarterly report of the state printer shows a saving of $16,000, making it quite clear that state ownership of the printing plant was a good idea. : The county commissioners are being asked by the county protective association to set a fine of at least $100 for horse thieves and the commissioners seem interested since there have been a number of such thefts of late. : Dr. Alberta Corbin of the university German Department spoke in chapel on “Culture of College Students.”