Not thinking

To the editor:

Unbelievable, incredibly unbelievable, the statement made by Mr. David Woosley, the city traffic engineer. In Monday’s Sound Off column, Woosley comments on the lack of money to fix the traffic light sensors at McDonald Drive and Second Street.

Remember folks, this is the same traffic engineer that is responsible for roundabouts, traffic-calming devices and the messed up timing of lights in town. This is the engineer that claims the city has no money to fix the sensors. In the Sound Off column, Mr. Woosley claims that “five of the wires were torn out and that it would cost $1,500 to $2,000 each to fix them.”

A math lesson follows to Mr. Woosley and the city commissioners: Five times $2,000 equals $10,000. This city doesn’t have $10,000? This city is unable to fix a problem at the intersection that receives traffic just dumped off the turnpike entrance?

This lack of management is a very clear statement of the lack of leadership with the commission, a lack of responsibility of the city staff and most of all an embarrassment to the citizens of Lawrence who should be now figuring out what is wrong with Lawrence.

If the new mayor, Mike Amyx, needs a hint of where to get the money, perhaps, the study that the commission is to approve in the amount of $85,000 to Matrix Consulting or the $125,700 to Management Partners Inc. should be cut to pay for the traffic repairs. The commissioners are not thinking!

David Holroyd,
