Judge: Prosecution may use England’s statement

? A military judge reversed himself Tuesday and decided to let prosecutors use a statement Army Pfc. Lynndie England gave to investigators implicating herself in the abuse of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

England’s court-martial trial on seven counts of conspiracy and prisoner abuse will begin today with jury selection and opening statements. The 22-year-old reservist from rural West Virginia, who is shown in a number of graphic photos taken by Abu Ghraib guards in 2003, faces up to 11 years in a military prison if convicted.

The judge presiding over England’s case, Col. James Pohl, had ruled in July that neither of two statements England made in 2004, when she implicated herself, would be admissible.

On Tuesday, however, the judge said he now thinks England knew what she was doing when she signed a waiver before making the second statement.