Club for Growth suit won’t affect Kansas
Topeka ? A lawsuit filed by the Federal Election Commission against the Club for Growth won’t affect the Kansas chapter, officials said Tuesday.
“Actually, if a comet hit the national headquarters of the Club for Growth, it wouldn’t have any effect on our operations,” said David Kensinger, head of the Kansas affiliate of the Republican anti-tax group.
On the federal level, the FEC sued Club for Growth, alleging the organization spent enough in the 2004 presidential race to require it to file with the commission as a political committee and adhere to contribution and spending limits.
In Kansas, the Club for Growth is registered as a political action committee. It advocates for and against candidates independent of the candidates it favors.
“That has no impact on Kansas,” Carol Williams, executive director of Governmental Ethics Commission, said of the federal lawsuit.
The Club for Growth emerged on the Kansas political scene last year during the Republican Party primary when it paid for campaign ads to help defeat Republican incumbents who had supported tax increases.
The club also engaged in the general election. It spent approximately $120,000 in the primary and general elections, according to finance records.
The organization’s major contributors have been from the oil, real estate and insurance sectors.