Musical event to raise funds for church

A mix of jazz, gospel music, food and history will be a part of a fundraising activity Sunday to promote the preservation and restoration of a historic Lawrence church building.

The event will take place from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Hobbs Taylor Lofts, 730 N.H., and is sponsored by the St. Luke AME Second Century Fund for the benefit of St. Luke’s, 900 N.Y. The church is in need of considerable restoration and repair work and has been nominated to be on the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition to promoting the preservation of the church, the event also will celebrate a wide range of historical research and preservation efforts in Lawrence and Douglas County.

Performing at the fundraiser will be jazz saxophonist Robert Watson Sr. and violinist Alexandra Guinzbourg.

The public is invited, and $20 donations to the Second Century Fund are suggested.