Trombone concert planned at Signs of Life

Kansas University’s Music and Dance Department will present “Sackbut Solos: The Ancient Trombone Speaks” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at Signs of Life Books and Art in downtown Lawrence.

The show will feature popular music by 17th-century trombonists and contemporary artists. Mike Hall, KU assistant professor of trombone, will perform on a modern replica of an 18th-century trombone called a sackbut, an instrument that features a softer, more vocal sound than a modern trombone. Rebecca Bell, a premier harpsichordist from Kansas City, will perform as well. Larry Rice, KU lecturer in double bass and string education, joins the group on double bass. The concert also will feature the oldest-known complete trombone solo.

The show will be in the store’s upstairs art gallery at 722 Mass. Admission is free.

For more information, call 864-3436.