Health Note

Advice on first-aid kits

A first-aid kit should be stored in a cool, relatively dark place to preserve contents, according to Mary Ellen Pinkham, host of “TIPical Mary Ellen.”

Each kit should include:

¢ A first-aid procedure chart to avoid panic in an emergency situation.

¢ Dressings such as sterile pads and sterile dressings with bandages.

¢ Different bandages; keep the different sizes in separate plastic bags for quick and easy identification.

¢ Blunt scissors for cutting bandages and tweezers for splinters.

¢ Hypoallergenic tape and safety pins to secure dressings.

¢ Creams and ointments for minor injuries, including antihistamine cream and calamine lotion for bites; hydrocortisone for rashes; burn ointment; zinc oxide or burn ointment for minor scrapes; antiseptic ointment for cuts.

¢ Individual sanitized packets to clean hands, disposable gloves, cold packs (keep in a refrigerator), small flashlights, extra batteries and plastic bags.

¢ Silica packets to prevent moisture buildup.