Free to abstain

To the editor:

I am writing to respond to the article in the Journal-World May 17 about binge drinking and other irresponsible drinking being controlled with kudzu.

I wonder if the researchers at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital ever considered doing research using the two ingredients “self discipline” and “common sense”? These two ingredients would be a lot more effective and beneficial to the alcohol-drinking participant than kudzu.

Whenever we take a drink of alcohol we should thank our young men and women who are putting their lives on the line and dying to protect our FREEDOM to make the choice of responsible or irresponsible drinking.

We all know the violence and death that irresponsible drinking can cause. Is this one form of terrorism?

Maybe we could best contribute to the memory of the people giving their lives for our freedom to not drink alcohol at all.

John N. Gutschenritter,
