Sebelius signs health care reorganization bill

? Gov. Kathleen Sebelius signed into law Tuesday a bill consolidating seven state programs under a new, independent Kansas Health Care Policy Authority.

The programs include those providing health coverage for needy Kansans and for state employees. The new law, which takes effect July 1, is designed to streamline the programs, give the state purchasing clout to force changes in the health care system and improve the health prevention campaigns.

“We’ve made real progress in guaranteeing that more Kansans will receive first-class care at a reasonable price,” Sebelius said in a statement.

The seven affected programs will move under the new authority on July 1, 2006. The authority will have nine voting members, three appointed by the governor and six, by legislative leaders.

The authority also will study whether additional programs should come under its oversight, such as those providing nursing home care and in-home services to the elderly or medical services to prison inmates.