District teachers say salary negotiations nearing impasse

Lawrence teachers on Wednesday warned school district officials that negotiations between the two camps appeared headed for impasse.

The warning came after the two sides agreed there wasn’t enough money in the school district’s budget to give teachers a pay raise before June 30, the end of the fiscal year.

“From what I’m hearing from our members, it is my personal belief that this will be difficult to ratify,” said teacher representative Adela Solis.

Last month, board members offered to carve almost $1 million out of next year’s budget to pay for this year’s raise as well as next year’s. If approved, teachers likely would receive this year’s raise before the start of the 2005-06 school year.

But Solis and others said teachers had waited long enough.

“People want the money they feel is due them, now,” said Al Gyles, lead negotiator for the teachers. “They are very restless. We’ve been feeling a lot of pressure from them.”

As proposed, the pay raise for this year would be roughly $925 for teachers with one to 14 years experience and $125 for teachers with 14 to 25 years experience. Those with more than 25 years were not included in the package.

The 90-minute session ended with board representatives agreeing to consider adding $60,000 to the pay-raise package so that 179 teachers with more than 25 years experience could each get a $300 raise.

Negotiations resume April 6.