What are you reading?

Drew Porter, McPherson High School senior, McPherson

“‘A Simple Path,’ by the Dalai Lama. I’ve come from a predominantly Christian background, and I’m trying to learn more about Buddhism.”

Ray Hodgson, typesetter, Lawrence

“‘Chainfire,’ by Terry Goodkind. I just started reading it, but I haven’t found it particularly interesting so far.”

Matt Rudd, factory worker, rural Lawrence

“The Onion Ad Nauseam ‘Fanfare for the Area Man.’ It makes light of serious world events.”

Shannon Hilton, Kansas University senior, Lawrence

“Right now I’m reading ‘Collapse,’ by Jared Diamond. It’s about how societies choose to fail or succeed.”

Carol Klinknett, art buyer, Lawrence

“‘Brazil Red,’ by Jean-Christophe Rufin. It was originally written in French. It’s a novel about a French colony in Brazil set during the 1500s.”