Bonds needed

To the editor:

The April 5 bond is for building improvements and technology upgrades that our schools desperately need. The facility inequities across the district are shocking and it needs to be resolved. Let’s get our kids out of portables and back in the buildings. It is estimated that at Lawrence schools, 300 students per hour travel in and out of portables each day. This has got to stop, just for safety reasons alone.

We need to update our technology in order to give our kids the right skills to compete in the ever-expanding world marketplace. When investors and businesses come to Lawrence they always look at the quality of the schools. What sort of message will we send them if our playgrounds are full of portables and our kids are using barely networked technology, a lot of it from the ’90s. In this technology age, the truth is you must keep up. Vote yes for the bond on April 5 so that we can continue to be proud of what we offer our kids and our community.

Deb Rake,
