Sign of progress

To the editor:

This letter is in response to Fran Johnson’s March 2 letter.

This letter, along with Fran’s, is a testament to change in the name of progress. While I write this letter in opposition to Fran’s views, I would like to acknowledge one of our similarities.

Earlier in our career as a nation, it was unheard of to see a woman’s name affixed to something as outspoken as a letter to the editor. You were granted a voice only if you met the slim criteria of being a wealthy, Anglo-Saxon, land-owning male.

This letter is written in gratitude for the proponents of positive change. I’m assuming Fran and I were both born into this world with such options as education, the ability to own land, the right to vote and many other liberties. Hopefully this letter will serve as a reminder that not all change is corrupt or evil. We will always be at the mercy of progress for the greater good and survival of mankind.

Jacqueline Treiber,
