DAV needs drivers for medical appointments

Agency: Disabled American Veterans

Address: 2518 Ridge Court, Lawrence

Contact: 842-3415

The Disabled American Veterans organization of Lawrence needs more volunteer drivers to transport veterans to medical appointments during the week. Volunteers may drive once a week or more frequently, if available. Most medical trips are to Topeka, Leavenworth or Kansas City and back. Volunteers always wait at the medical office during the veteran’s appointment. The organization will provide training for all volunteers. Volunteers must have a valid drivers license and will need to have a physical health exam, paid for by the organization. For more information, contact Willis McCorkill at the American Legion during regular office hours of 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday.

Immediate volunteer needs

  • The food pantries at Salvation Army, Penn House and the Ballard Community Center report that they are low on high-protein foods, such as tuna and other canned meats, peanut butter, beans, meals in a can and cereal. The pantries do not need green beans or corn. For more information, contact Paula Gilchrist, director of social services at the Salvation Army, 843-4188. Food donations may be taken to the Salvation Army, 946 N.H.; Penn House, 1035 Pa.; or Ballard Center, 708 Elm St.