In the halls

What do you do to exercise?

Sarah Rucker, freshman, Central Junior High School

“I play sports like soccer, basketball and volleyball.”

Alyssa Crider, sixth grade, Schwegler School

“I ride my bike with friends.”

Karel Hill, sophomore, Bishop Seabury Academy

“I lift weights and play basketball, football and soccer.”

Marissa Montgomery, freshman, Bishop Seabury Academy

“Swim, play soccer and Dance Dance Revolution.”

Byron Varberg, eighth grade, South Junior High School

“I play soccer, and I roller blade.”

Josh Montgomery, eighth grade, SJHS

“Jog and play soccer and baseball.”

Amanda Montgomery, fourth grade, Schwegler Elementary

“I play softball, soccer and I swim.”

Logan Brown, fourth grade, Schwegler School

“I play sports and go to Dog Days”