
Most fathers would rather stay at home

Much ink has been spilled over the years on the obstacles and opportunities corporate America presents working mothers. But what about dad?

Nearly two-thirds of working fathers, 62 percent, said they’d put their careers on hold to be stay-at-home dads, according to a recent survey by The, a New York-based job site for positions paying $100,000 and more per year.

But the working world isn’t particularly generous with paternity leave. Nearly half of the respondents, 45 percent, said their companies offered no time off after the birth of a child. Eighteen percent said their employers offer as much as two months off and 12 percent said they could take off a month.

On another front, some of the fellows surveyed must have been thankful the survey was anonymous: 31 percent of the 480 people who answered said that it would be more valuable for them to deliver the keynote speech at a convention than attend a child’s soccer game.

Job search

Experts: Take care with critical contacts

Hunting for a new job has all sorts of elements: the resume, the interview, what to wear, how to prepare, and on and on.

But even getting to that point starts with a contact base, the people who will know about new opportunities and be able to connect you with them.

Yet not all business contacts are created equal, according to the folks at ClearRock, a Boston-based executive coaching and outplacement outfit. They say that about 80 percent of helpful leads will come from only a few of your contacts, typically 20 percent or fewer. That means you need to focus on developing those critical few who are top job-hunting prospects.

“One of the trickiest parts is to determine who your most effective job-search contacts are, and then not wear out your welcome with them,” said Annie Stevens, a ClearRock managing partner. “Be sensitive to how often you are contacting them, and their reactions. You want them to continue to be helpful.”

Motley Fool

Name that company

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