Howard Dean preaches values in Kansas City visit

? National Democratic Chairman Howard Dean quoted the Bible, the golden rule and moral values Friday while chastising Republicans for failing to practice what they preach.

In appearances at the Uptown Theater here and at the National Federation of Democratic Women Convention in Kansas City, Kan., Dean said the GOP frequently speaks of its morals but consistently makes cuts affecting the poor.

“The other side seems to want to lecture us on moral values while they cut health care in rural areas … while they cut programs for the poor, while they cut education,” he said. “I don’t think those moral values are consistent. I don’t think they’re biblical.”

Since taking over the Democratic reins in February, the former Vermont governor has consistently tried to link the party with strong morals. Some analysts say President Bush prevailed in his re-election bid because Democrat John Kerry was unpopular with people who voted with moral values as their top priority.

But GOP leaders in Kansas and Missouri didn’t have warm words for Dean.

“They are a party in desperate search for a message or an identity, whichever comes first,” said Missouri GOP consultant John Hancock. “Judging by Mr. Dean’s comments, they are not there yet.”

Kansas Republican Party Executive Director Derrick Sontag said Dean is “long on divisiveness and anger, but short on ideas and compassion.”