Sacred rights

To the editor:

“We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” — Thomas Jefferson

Does anyone remember these words? They come from The Declaration of Independence. Shall we take a look at these words? Let’s start with “all men are created equal.” How many of us believe this? Does this mean that if one man, or woman, believes differently, that I should treat them differently than those who don’t? NO. Does it mean that I should treat them as I would anyone, as I myself would like to be treated since, after all, we ARE equal? YES. Unalienable rights. We hold these rights. We are allowed certain things, things no one can take away from us.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These are the rights outlined in The Declaration of Independence. These rights are sacred and for EVERYONE. Not just those we deem suitable. A marriage is supposed to be a union between two people who love each other and wish to spend the rest of their lives together. WE make our OWN marriages what they are. Not others.

Why should a single religion be allowed to define the lives of all the people?

What makes you better than everyone else?

We were all born equals and we need to be treated as such.

One set of beliefs should NOT rule ALL people!

Susan Gaither,
