KPERS complaint

To the editor:

It’s too bad the Kansas Supreme Court doesn’t take a look at other underfunded state programs besides education. Such as KPERS Retirement System. The state quit funding KPERS years ago. Nobody jumped in and tried to get the funding, required by law, back on line. Nobody cares when it comes to KPERS retirees.

In the last 10 years, KPERS retirees have received approximately 4.5 percent COLA (cost of living allowance). Gov. Graves took $31 million from KPERS retirees. Nobody cared but KPERS retirees. The Kansas Legislature thinks it is OK to take KPERS money and give it to someone else. Gov. Sebelius tried to give KPERS money to state employees in 2004. There was no mention of giving KPERS retirees a COLA in 2004. The reason being that state employees were going to have a rate increase for health insurance. Are the governor and Legislature so dumb and blind they think KPERS retirees don’t pay for health insurance. I don’t know why the Legislature finds it so easy to take KPERS money.

In 2005, the big deal is funding for education. I wonder how much KPERS money will be taken for education. Different year, same story.

Robert Lemon,
