Arrest inspires listings on eBay of Rader items

? When her dog Shooter’s rabies shot expired, Melanie Dovak received a reminder letter from Park City compliance officer Dennis Rader.

On Saturday, Dovak posted the letter on eBay for a starting price of $9.95.

Other eBay members also were selling Rader letters, business cards and copies of Sunday’s Wichita Eagle.

The online auction pulled Dovak’s listing — and those of some others selling Dennis Rader-related items — Saturday night, citing eBay rules for listings it deems inappropriate.

Dovak’s eBay description of the letter read: “31-year search has ended for the most sought-out, notorious serial killer of the midwestern United States and perhaps the world!”

EBay sent Dovak an e-mail saying it had ended her listing and refunded her fees.

In the e-mail, eBay said it “has always exercised judgment in allowing or disallowing certain listings consistent with the spirit of a worldwide community.”

Included in the items eBay said it generally removes are letters or artwork from “notorious murderers.”

“I think it’s hogwash, personally,” said Dovak, a Park City resident.

Before eBay pulled her listing, she had received 15 bids, the highest for $142.50.

Dovak reposted her letter Sunday, rewording the description.

But by Sunday afternoon, when other eBayers started selling copies of the Sunday Eagle featuring photographs of Rader and eight pages of coverage, Dovak had received so many “hate e-mails” from people accusing her of trying to profit from grisly crimes that she decided to take the listing down again.

“I’ve gotten at least 30,” she said.