What are you reading?

Rick Conklin medical assistant, Lawrence

“‘Making the Game.’ I’m a big fan of Triple H., and I’m just getting some diet and training tips from him. That’s what the book is really all about.”

Ciara Reid, Kansas University senior, Lawrence

“‘Don Quixote,’ by Cervantes. It’s actually kind of funny. I didn’t think it would be as entertaining as it is.”

Erin Jantz, server, Lawrence

“‘Kiss of the Spider Woman,’ by Manuel Puig. It’s all in dialogue form. It’s about two men, a revolutionary and a homosexual, and it’s about the process of them becoming friends and getting out of prison.”

Larry Martin, paleontologist, Lawrence

“I’m reading a biography of the Leakeys called ‘Ancient Passions.’ It’s a story of anthropologist Lewis Leakey and his family searching for human fossils in Kenya.”