What are you reading?

Lorraine Malone, sales representative, Lawrence

“‘The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,’ by Deepak Chopra. I’m just glancing through it right now. It’s about the fulfillment of your dreams”

Katie Bogart, Kansas University freshman, Lawrence

“‘The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys,’ by Chris Fuhrman. It’s about some Catholic boys in the 1970s.”

Darla Woods, human resources receptionist, Tonganoxie

“‘Birds of North America,’ by Fred J. Alsop, III. It’s anything and everything you would want to know about birds of North America.”

Melissa Windon, KU sophomore, Overland Park

“‘Crossroads,’ by Kathleen Tiemann. These journalists try to live in poverty around the world and write critiques about what it is like.”

Chris Millspaugh, graphic designer, Lawrence

“‘Tropic of Cancer,’ by Henry Miller. It’s about an American writer in Paris who doesn’t like to work much. He just slides by, stealing and using people around him for their money. It’s pretty graphic.