Smart’s kidnapping suspect singing during hearing again

? The drifter and self-proclaimed prophet accused of kidnapping Elizabeth Smart was removed from his competency hearing twice Wednesday for singing a religious song — the third time he has done that in court.

Brian David Mitchell, 51, and his wife, Wanda Barzee, 59, are charged with kidnapping, sexual assault and burglary in the 2002 abduction of the teenager.

Mitchell was removed from the courtroom when he sang “Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who? Now is the time to show.”

When Judge Judith Atherton later allowed him to return, he sang “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven’s at hand,” and was removed again.

Atherton allowed the competency hearing to continue without Mitchell.

A mental health expert testified that Mitchell once was a functioning member of society who “fell off a cliff” and convinced himself he’s a living prophet destined to take young girls as plural wives.

The defense witness, University of California-Irvine assistant professor Jennifer Skeem, has twice examined Mitchell to determine mental competency. She said he had become “recently delusional and more distressed” and was no longer fit for trial.

Mitchell has become convinced that Satan is directing the prosecutors and decided he will no longer speak with them, Skeem said. He also was distressed by Barzee’s recent filing for divorce, she said.

Barzee has been declared incompetent to stand trial and is being treated at a state institution.