In the halls

What have you learned about black history this month?

Jessica Jacobs, seventh-grader, Central Junior High School

“Nothing about black American history, but we have been talking about the history of Africa.”

Marta Carvajal, seventh-grader, Southwest Junior High School

“That people should treat each other equally and that there is really only one race, which is human.”

Sandra Otero, sixth-grader, Hillcrest School

“I learned about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. That he was very brave and that he gave his life for everyone else.”

Michael Alexander, seventh-grader, SWJHS

“I learned that Martin Luther King had a dream that white and black people could live together as equals.”

Sasha Leonard, eighth-grader, West Junior High School

“That Harriet Tubman helped free slaves through the Underground Railroad.”

Miranda Omon, seventh-grader, WJHS

“I learned about Rosa Parks and how she stood up for us so that we could sit wherever we want on the bus.”

Kevin Barber, seventh-grader, WJHS

“We watched a movie about Malcolm X, and he thought that blacks and whites should be separate, but Martin Luther King wanted everyone to get along.”

Brandon Woodard, eighth-grader, CJHS

“We learned about slavery and the Civil War. About Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.”