Valentine gifts that keep giving beyond Feb. 14

Technically, Feb.14 is about love, lust and affection, but it’s also an excuse to shop for your sweetie.

“Get a gift that’s nice and you’d want to use every day, not one that screams hearts and flowers,” says Charla Krupp, executive editor of Shop Etc. magazine.

Here are five ideas for Valentine’s Day that won’t pass their expiration date on Feb. 15 (like, say, heart-shaped chocolates or teddy bears).

  • Something that smells good. Buy a perfume or cologne your spouse/date/lover can use every day. With every whiff they’ll think of you.
  • Something to travel with. A gift that says, “I promise to take you on more romantic weekends this year.”
  • Something comfy. A Friday night in with a movie and a pair of sweatpants is definitely lovey-dovey. Comfy clothes read: I’m comfortable with us.
  • Something red. Red does not equal lame. Traditionalists can say Happy Valentine’s Day without lacy nonsense.
  • Something sparkly. You can never go wrong with jewelry. Try something small and special. Or something he’s always wanted. Mark the occasion by getting it engraved.