Old home town – 100 years ago today

From Lawrence Daily World for Dec. 19, 1905: “The Kansas University basketball team played the last game of its southern trip at Baldwin last night, defeated by Baker by a score of 24-18. The issue was in doubt to the end and both teams played well. KU split even on its four-game trip, defeating the Emporia Normals and Chilocco while losing to Baker and the Newton Athletic Club. : Kansas has broken another record in bank deposits. They now have nearly $120 million in the tills with the state banks making the biggest gains over the nationals of late. This was an increase of about $1.2 million from last year and that makes deposits $78 for every man, woman and child in the state. : Beginning tonight and continuing until Saturday night inclusive, Lawrence dry goods merchants will keep their stores open evenings until 10 o’clock to accommodate Christmas shopping.”