It’s by design

To the editor:

Why teach intelligent design? Scientifically, something cannot be made from nothing and, though there are many theories, I have yet to see any theory proving how the Earth was formed from nothing. Some say intelligent design is a religious philosophy, and they are right. So what? All of man believes in some kind of religious philosophy; we are “designed” that way.

If one looks at the “design” of a seashell, so perfectly shaped and spirals all evenly carved out, or a tree with its branches spreading in a pattern, or the moon and the tides, the sun and Earth rotations, it is obvious to me that this Earth was designed from beginning to end. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out; just look around and see the beauty that surrounds you and think about how interwoven it all is. You cannot separate the beginning or the middle or the end; it is all a process.

I am proud to say my state is willing to risk the ridicule to protect our belief in our wonderful God. Look at other states and what their values are. It is us who should be questioning.

One last note, the person who teaches intelligent design should be one who has studied for years and can fully understand and explain creation. After all, God’s representation should be the best. After 9-11, when the majority of us asked for His help, I think He now deserves ours. Stand up for His rights.

Fran Johnson,
