Kansas bigots

To the editor:

Well, here in Kansas we have added yet another minus to our image and have given the world yet another reason to laugh at us as religious bigots!

I am happy to say, though, that my county (Douglas County) voted against this mean-spirited amendment to the Kansas Constitution.

The people in support of this amendment had signs that say “Protect Marriage.” What a misguided attempt to cover up their agenda for a church-dominated state!

This is a civil rights issue for me. I can see that this is a huge ego trip for religious zealots who aren’t satisfied with “judge not lest you be judged.” These people are going out of their way to make their way the ONLY way! The Bible says that God gave humans free will to make choices on their own. It also says God’s law is higher than human law. So my angry question regarding these so-called God supporters is “why are they getting involved with human laws and taking away choice?” The answer, of course, is that they think they know better than God, so I guess they didn’t read about the problem with that in the Bible!

Yep, Kansas: As bigoted as you think! Except, thank goodness, Douglas County!

Rodney Speirer,
