In the halls

What would you do if you were mayor of Lawrence?

Olivia Schmidt, seventh-grader, Southwest Junior High School

“I would close down all the schools and let all the kids party nonstop. I would also push the curfew back to 3 a.m.”

Marcy Vickers, seventh-grader, West Junior High School

“I would pass an ordinance to make all of the new houses that are built in Lawrence unique like the ones in east Lawrence.”

Lucas Parker, seventh-grader, SWJHS

“I would prohibit the construction of any more useless roundabouts.”

Robert Abondano, seventh-grader, South Junior High School

“I would make fireworks legal within the city limits again, and I would lower the price of movie tickets.”

Caitlin Beasley, seventh-grader, SJHS

“I would try to lower the prices of school activities and the Sport 2 Sport dances. They are too expensive.”

Jackson Parker, fifth-grader, Hillcrest School

“I would make businesses take out all the cigarette vending machines because it is really easy for kids to get cigarettes these days.”

Janesah Denny, eighth-grader, SJHS

“I would lower the age for dance clubs and eliminate the curfew.”

Abbey Lindelof, eighth-grader, SJHS

“I would make it so that anyone in Lawrence could marry whoever they wanted.”