‘If I Were Mayor ….’

Fireworks would return to city

NATE MCFADDEN, LEFT, and Pauline Seifert, were the winners of the Journal-World's If

By Nate McFadden

If I were mayor of Lawrence, I wouldn’t change Lawrence that much. Lawrence is a wonderful place and a great hometown. It may be nice, but I would change just a few things.

The first thing I would try to change is the fireworks ban. Fireworks are used to celebrate our freedom from Britain. Fireworks could only be used in an open area and not close to trees. Some people enjoy shooting off fireworks but can’t because they live withink the city limits.

Second, I would try and put more money toward schools and sports for kids. Some sports get closed because there are not enough people. That may be the only sport the person liked and they can’t do it because it closed. That sport could have changed their life. Some kids can’t even play sports because they don’t have the money. I want to try and change that.

Third, I would change the wildlife around Lawrence. We need more wetlands and open land for wildlife. The city is just growing and taking over the land. I think we need to reserve more land for wildlife. The ecosystem would be a disaster without most animals. We need to help the wildlife.

Nate McFadden

Lawrence is a great place and there is not much that needs changed in my mind. Those are some of the things I would try to change. I like Lawrence, and I’m glad to live here.

— Nate McFadden is a seventh-grader at South Junior High School.

Potholes would be patched

By Pauline Seifert

If I were mayor of Lawrence, I’d try my hardest to make our city a safe and pleasant places to live. To improve our traffic system, I’d fill all potholes, restore the streets and make better sidewalks so pedestrians could be safer. For everyone’s comfort, I’d also add more public bathrooms in parks.

A lot of people complain about issues and have requests. I’d listen to these things and do my best to improve our city. For example, I’d try to add a skating rink to Lawrence’s recreational options, so more residents can enjoy skating. I wouldn’t, though, allow as many stores no one wants to be built.

To make Lawrence cleaner, I would make dog owners pick up and dispose of their pooches’ waste. I would also have those disgusting creeks cleaned. Under my leadership, recycling would be the law. I’d form programs teaching the importance of recycling, and there’d be pollution policies. Animals living in Lawrence (such as eagles and cougars) would also be protected and have a natural environment in which to live.

Pauline Seifert

I think teachers should be paid more. After all, if it weren’t for teachers, there couldn’t be any of the jobs considered more important. I would raise salaries of teachers in Lawrence and try to improve our school system, if I were mayor.

If I were mayor, I think residents of Lawrence would be happy and Lawrence would be a better, cleaner and a safer place to live.

— Pauline Seifert is a sixth-grader at Broken Arrow School.