Brownback praises humanitarian efforts

? Under President Bush, the United States is leading a “heroic rescue of human life” that involves humanitarian efforts around the world, Sen. Sam Brownback said Tuesday.

Addressing the Republican National Convention, Brownback praised the Bush administration for efforts internationally to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, as well as efforts to combat AIDS in the United States.

He said a fundamental principle of the GOP was respect for the “sanctity of every human life.”

“From the man held in a foreign prison for practicing his faith to the Sudanese refugee attacked for the color of her skin, this nation and this president will fight for you,” Brownback said in his prepared remarks. “From the child in the womb to the mother carrying her, this nation and this president will fight for you.”

Brownback added: “We are leading the world in a heroic rescue of human life. This is the essence of compassionate conservatism. It is the mettle of George Bush.”

A spokesman for Democrat John Kerry’s campaign questioned the description of Bush as a compassionate conservative and said domestic issues such as the economy and health care remain important to voters.

“We heard the word compassion a lot four years ago, but as soon as President Bush assumed office he took a turn, hard right,” Kerry spokesman Michael Golden said. “People are hurting. They need a change in leadership.”