In the halls

What is your ideal winter vacation?

Lindsay Dyche, ninth-grader, West Junior High School
“I would like to go to Amsterdam to enjoy the European atmosphere and culture.”

Chris Coffey, junior, Free State High School
“Just staying home and sleeping a lot is my favorite winter vacation.”

Lincoln Adams, seventh-grader, Central Junior High School
“I would probably just stay home, drink hot chocolate and play video games.”

Lydia Shontz, sophomore, Lawrence High School
“Probably New York City. I’ve heard it’s really pretty in the snow.”

Mark Ashley, junior, LHS
“Sleeping on my sofa.”

Dan Moses, sophomore, LHS
“I would have to say Tokyo. They have the best clubs in the world.”

Colton Kooser, fourth-grader, Schwegler School
“Probably to enjoy not having to go to school or do homework, and go out and do some sledding or snowboarding.”

Liz Dyche, junior, Free State High School
“The Bahamas, because it’s warm. I don’t like the cold.”