Bush can’t win in Douglas County

George W. Bush didn’t carry Douglas County this election. Nor did he in 2000.

Once again, Douglas was the rare Kansas county that gave most of its votes to a Democrat.

In 2000, Al Gore received 46.1 percent of the Douglas County vote. In Tuesday’s election, John Kerry received 57 percent of the Douglas County vote. The big difference between the two presidential elections was Ralph Nader.

In 2000, Douglas Countians cast 9.63 percent of their vote for the maverick candidate. In 2004, Nader received only 1 percent of the Douglas County vote.

In 2000, Bush received 43.03 percent of the Douglas County vote. This year he received 41 percent.

One thing remained unchanged: West Lawrence and Douglas County are Bush country. When you get west of Monterey Way, you’re likely in a Bush precinct.