In the halls

Where would you go if you could travel abroad?

Asked at the Lawrence Aquatic Center

Colleen McDonald, ninth-grader, West Junior High School

“I just got back. I went to Cozumel, Mexico. It was really good, interesting. The water was cool because you could see to the bottom of it, the ocean.”

Janae Colter, ninth-grader, South Junior High School

“I would go to China, so I could walk the Great Wall and see how long it would take.”

Kevin Barber, ninth-grader, West Junior High School

“Italy to take a pizza and have a food fight.”

Brandi Hudson, ninth-grader, Southwest Junior High School

“I would go to Paris because it’s really pretty there. There’s the Eiffel Tower, and it’s really romantic.”

Andrea Taylor, freshman, Eudora Alternative High School

“The Bahamas. I just have always wanted to go there to see how it is and everything.”

Andrew Eicholtz, senior, Free State High School

“I’d go to Germany, because I’m German, to see how people live and stuff.”

Troy Rousselo, senior, Free State High School

“I would go to probably Ireland for culture and stuff.”