Paper names wrong running mate

? Dewey defeats … Gephardt?

The New York Post, in a front page gaffe reminiscent of the 1948 headline wrongly announcing President Truman’s defeat, proclaimed Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry would select Rep. Dick Gephardt as his running mate.

The New York Post front page incorrectly reports U.S. Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., as Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry's running mate. Kerry on Tuesday selected former rival John Edwards to be his running mate.

“KERRY’S CHOICE,” read the headline over the Page One “exclusive” story. “Dem picks Gephardt as VP candidate.” The story, which ran without a byline, was accompanied by a file photo of the Missouri congressman and the Massachusetts senator.

But then Kerry announced his real choice Tuesday morning: North Carolina Sen. John Edwards.

Post editor in chief Col Allan said in a statement that he made the decision to go with the Gephardt story based on information that turned out to be inaccurate. He did not elaborate.

“We unreservedly apologize to our readers for the mistake,” Allan said.

It was 1948 when Chicago Daily Tribune ran its “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN” headline. Incumbent Truman wound up beating Dewey, the Republican New York governor who was considered a heavy favorite.