Governor encourages ‘vanpool’ supporters to car pool

Topeka — Gov. Kathleen Sebelius today had a two-word response to state employees in Lawrence upset over her plan to phase-out the “vanpool” program: Car Pool.

“We would certainly encourage people to continue car pooling, and lots of people do outside of state-bought and purchased and maintained vehicles,” Sebelius said.

Earlier, about 75 state employees met in a basement cafeteria room in the Docking building to strategize on how to save the program. They have several lawmakers considering legislation to block Sebelius, and they are passing around sign-up petitions opposing the move.

The state owns about 20 vans that are used by more than 270 employees to commute to Topeka from Lawrence and the Kansas City-area.

The employees pay for the service, making it self-sufficient, the workers said.

But Sebelius said the state needs to get out of the commuter business.

Vans will be retired when they hit 95,000 miles. The first van will be phased out in November, the governor’s office said.