

Journal-World accepting entries from songwriters

In conjunction with the USA Weekend-John Lennon Songwriting Contest for Teens, the Journal-World is having its second annual songwriting contest.

The winner of the J-W contest will have lyrics published in the Journal-World and receive two movie tickets. All entries to the J-W contest will be forwarded to the national contest.

The winner of the national contest will win a trip to Hollywood for a walk-on role in the television drama “American Dreams” and other prizes.

Rules for the contest:

  • Write original song lyrics that reflect your own take on the theme “American Dreams.” Your song cannot be longer than 125 words, including the title.
  • Anyone who is at least 13 years old and a full-time student in grades 7-12 may enter.
  • Send entries online to teens@ljworld.com or by mail on a typed, double-spaced, 81/2-by-11-inch paper, using only one side of the paper, to Songwriting Contest for Teens, Lawrence Journal-World, 645 N.H., Lawrence 66044. Please include your name, school, grade, hometown and phone number.
  • All entries must be mailed or submitted online by midnight Feb. 13.


‘Ocean Eyes’
Deeply inspiring
Heavenly sent
Can’t stand you stare
Eyes so intense
Looking into them
I see the ocean
Reminds me of
All my devotion
Impressive stares
Frightening glares
Ocean Eyes.

–Andrea Haller, Lawrence High School junior.

It’s 1:05
It’s RECESS time
Jump rope
Shoelaces untied
Time to go inside

— Taylor Ardong, second-grader at Sunset School.