In the halls

What’s the coolest thing about your room?

At Lawrence High School, 1901 La.

Emily Thurmaier, sophomore, Ames High School, Ames, Iowa

“I have a giant Abercrombie and Fitch display. It takes up the entire wall, and my friends sign it.”

Cooper Farr, sophomore, Free State High School

“I have a surfboard.”

Rebecca Beaulieu, sophomore, Lawrence High School

“My wall has six hubcaps that I stole from the street. They have lights all over them. They’re great.”

Andy Foerschler, sophomore, Free State High School

“I have a full turntable and stereo, which is pretty cool because I’m into vinyl.”

Bani Sangh, junior, Bishop Seabury Academy

“I have a big wall hanging. It’s made out of silk and from India.”

Arna Hemenway, sophomore, Lawrence High School

“Probably my girl-of-the-month display.”

Miriam Aced, junior, Lawrence High School

“It’s really colorful and cozy.”

Leslie Rhoton, junior, Lawrence High School

“I have a big overstuffed chair I really like to read in.”