Pursuit of peace

Peace around the world is an elusive goal, but the holiday season always inspires some hope

A special welcome home goes out this Christmas to members of the Lawrence-based 824th Quartermaster unit of the U.S. Army Reserve which arrived back in Kansas this week. As their families enjoy their presence this holiday, our prayers also go out to those who remain in harms way and those whose loved ones have been injured or killed while serving in the nation’s military.

It is hard, in a way, to find a place in our hearts for Christmas during times of war. Hopefully all of our troops will have some respite and time for celebration today. For those of us at home, we have a luxury of a long distance from the danger in the Middle East. Although thoughts of war fade into the background as we join with family and friends, the threats posed by a sometimes-unfriendly world are constantly with us.

While in Iraq, the 824th Quartermasters did the kind of work that should make friends for the United States. They worked on water quality projects and oil-field technology. Teachers in the unit helped start and run a school for Iraqi children. This is how Americans want to be seen, as a caring people who prefer to build rather than destroy. Sometimes it’s important to be able to use a show of force, but our goal should always be to pursue peace.

Wouldn’t it be great if the spirit of tolerance and understanding that marks the Christmas holidays could ease tensions around the world? It seems particularly ironic at this time of year that much of the violence around the world is committed in the name of religion. While we must be respectful of others’ beliefs, promoting death and destruction seems incongruous with achieving spiritual peace.

U.S. troops are doing an admirable job, fighting terrorism around the world, and this war is likely to continue for years. In a world that physically now seems so small, huge gaps of understanding remain. It is essential this nation maintain a superb military force, but we also need to exert every possible diplomatic effort to build bridges of understanding.

Hopefully, everyone in Lawrence will have a safe and peaceful Christmas holiday, warmed by the presence of family and friends. Our fondest holiday wish is that the spirit of Christmas somehow can have a calming influence on the turmoil around the world and lead to a lasting atmosphere of peace and tolerance.

Merry Christmas.