Sporting example

To the editor:

Where is the sportsmanship in today’s athletic events? If you look at the recent actions of professional basketball (Indiana vs. Detroit) or college football (Clemson vs. South Carolina) you might surmise that sportsmanship is a thing of the past. Instead, today it seems it is a win-at-all-cost mentality! Beat the opponent and then make fun of them after they have lost.

It is refreshing to see that good sportsmanship is still alive and demonstrated at our military academies. Example: After the recent Army/Navy football game, each team stood before the opposition as the respective alma mater was played. This was a difficult thing to do in the face of defeat, but the losing team demonstrated honor, integrity and respect. Other colleges and universities could learn a lot from this display of sportsmanship!

As Haywood Hale Broun said, “Sports do not build character, they reveal it.” Not only do the military academies develop leadership, they develop character.

Ken Phipps,
