It’s time to hear ‘You’re hired’

After months of buildup and weeks of unrelenting hype, “The Apprentice” (8 p.m., NBC) comes down to two contestants and two hours. If you wondered about the motivation of Bill’s low-energy team, the shot of Nick yawning dispelled all doubts. Why should he, Amy and Katrina help Bill win?

But Kwame has to deal with Omarosa, whose brazen work avoidance and self-deception never fail to amaze. Her decision to continue dinner rather than deal with a crucial problem was incredible, but her ability to lie about it has turned her into the Joan Collins of this primetime reality soap. Is she incompetent or a saboteur? Does it matter?

The quote of the week came from Kwame, who said “Let’s pop the Mo’, man” to Bill, referring to the celebratory opening of a bottle of Moet champagne. But Kwame’s inability to reign in Omarosa may leave his flute dry at the conclusion of tonight’s proceedings. Why doesn’t he fire her? Who says he can’t? Heidi spoke for everyone when she complained about his lack of nerve. Kwame, here are some words of free advice: “If you want to pop the Mo’, you’ve got to dump the O.”

  • Rob, the Machiavellian Massachusetts native, continued to cut a swath through his fellow so-called “All-Stars” on “Survivor” (7 p.m., CBS). Last week he reduced the reliably mature Kathy to tears and paralyzed Lex with girly-boy remorse. If Lex was convinced he was doomed, why didn’t he scorch the earth and poison the atmosphere for Rob and his brazen machinations? Instead, we got to watch him shiver and quake. When Kathy reneged on her promise to offer him that tacky immunity necklace, Lex looked like the luckless captain from “Das Boot” waiting for the depth charges to send him to the bottom. He didn’t have to wait long.

Tonight’s other highlights

  • Tamyra Gray (“American Idol”) guest stars on “Tru Calling” (7 p.m., Fox).
  • A game turns deadly on “CSI” (8 p.m., CBS).
  • Peter warns that evil speaks with fire on “Kingdom Hospital” (8 p.m., ABC)
  • Martin hunts for his missing aunt on “Without a Trace” (9 p.m., CBS).
  • Scheduled on “PrimeTime” (9 p.m., ABC): psychics hunt for a missing college student; dowsers search for well water; parents believe their son is a reincarnated World War II pilot; a company’s links to terror.

Late night

David Duchovny and Patti Smith appear on “Late Show with David Letterman” (10:35 p.m., CBS) … Jay Leno hosts Courtney Love and Tina Fey on “The Tonight Show” (10:35 p.m., NBC) … Vanessa Williams and Barry Manilow appear on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” (11:05 p.m., ABC).