Dog’s dry nose causes concern

I have an unusual problem with my dog, Mattie, a 3-year-old cocker spaniel, and I’m wondering if you’ve heard of anything like this. My dog seems to have a very dry nose. It is wet on the front of his nose, but on the top it is very dry to the point of almost flaky. She is otherwise normal, and there is nothing wrong with her skin. Is there anything I can do and or is it something serious?

Some dogs, especially cocker spaniels, get dry noses that rarely crack or bleed but often thicken to the point of appearing as if something might be growing on the nose. In these instances, moisturizers applied regularly to the nose often help keep the nose moist and remove some of the excess skin.

Pets with serious immune diseases such as lupus or pemphigus have similar signs. Therefore, I encourage your doctor to exam and biopsy it if needed. Should it be a serious disease, take comfort in knowing that we have had a lot of success treating these problems with holistic therapies, and most pets with immune disorders of the skin won’t need lifelong treatment with high doses of steroids.

My 8-year-old basset/terrier mix has been licking his underarms for months. He has been on many medications, but nothing is helping and he is constantly licking! Please help I’m open to just about anything.

Allergies are among the most common skin diseases I treat. Many dogs exhibit the same signs as your dog; unfortunately, your dog is a mixture of some of the most common allergic breeds. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

Use medication only on really bad days. The goal is to keep itchy pets comfortable.

Bathe frequently with aloe and oatmeal shampoos, even daily if the itching is really bad.

High doses of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and the use of antioxidants are helpful.

Feed the best diet you can, either a homemade diet or a natural diet with few or no byproducts and chemical preservatives.

Use vaccine titer blood tests to determine if and when he needs any vaccines. Never vaccinate him if his allergies are in an active state.

Dr. Shawn P. Messonnier, author of the “Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats” (Prima, $24.95) is a veterinarian and pet care advocate. His e-mail is