Vaccine safety

To the editor:

I am disappointed in the public flu vaccination drive. There is no informed consent. The information regarding side-effects as well as poisonous additives in the vaccine are not given. All flu shots contain thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines that is 50 percent mercury by weight.

Thimerosal has been linked to neurological damage. There is no debate — mercury is a known neurotoxin. The package insert states, “It is not known whether Influenza Virus Vaccine can cause fetal harm or can affect reproduction capacity. Influenza Virus Vaccine should be given to pregnant women only if clearly needed.” The safety study on 33 children age 6 months-18 months reported irritability, fever and seizures after the flu vaccine.

The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research concluded its evaluation of the use of thimerosal in vaccines. The FDA study concluded that reduction or elimination of thimerosal from vaccines is merited. Many vaccines are not available thimerosal-free, including all Influenza, DT, Td, TT, rabies shots and some hepatitis B, HIB and pneumococcal vaccines.

Rep. Dan Burton, chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform, recently completed a three-year study titled “Mercury in Medicine — Taking Unnecessary Risks.” The study concluded that “8,000 children per day were being exposed to mercury in excess of Federal guidelines through mandatory vaccines.” If there is any doubt of safety of mercury in medicine, why do we continue to put mercury into vaccines? This shows what can happen when our federal health agencies and lawmakers blindly trust and fail to verify vaccine data.

Linda Weinmaster,
