Letter: Protect the cat

To the editor:

The good news is that there may well be a “mountain lion” living in Lawrence on Kansas University property.

The bad news is that, as I type this, some nitwit is oiling up a rifle, ironing a camo suit and getting ready to go out and “destroy this beast before it kills someone” in order to protect our community.

One can only hope that, maybe, because the animal is living on KU property that sane minds will prevail! One can hope that the “lion” will be caught (alive), and relocated a long way from stupid humans bent on making our community safe!

Of course, the present habitat of the cat does not guarantee its safety at all. Sad.

I wish the animal well and am once again reminded that it is the four-legged critters on this planet who have reached the highest level of physical, spiritual and emotional well-being.

Jim McCrary,
