Soda pop threat

To the editor:

Thank God we have forward-thinking people serving on the school board, who put the safety of our kids’ health over the money-hungry corporate sponsors who deliver those evil soda pop libations. I know my kids wouldn’t know where else to spend their money trying to obtain this legal refreshment.

My oldest daughter wouldn’t think about walking across the street to the Laundromat and buying it from one of their evil machines. I know it wouldn’t cross her mind to walk the extra two blocks to 23rd Street and visit an eatery, which actually sells these “cans of carbonated worms.”

I hope all those underpaid and underappreciated teachers that endure pay cuts, reductions and lack of respect can withstand another blow to their deteriorating conditions by having the school board make decisions about their drink choices. Good thing we aren’t in a budget crisis and don’t need the money. I think we should go one step further and have the city outlaw the sale of this product to protect us from ourselves.

Thanks school board, with your leadership we should try another school bond issue to fund the fight against those evil french fry manufacturers that are making our kids obese. Just make sure to build in some extra fees for the consultants.

Joe B. Jones,
