Monica’s privacy

For somebody who allegedly wanted to be left alone, Lewinsky surely works hard at getting attention.

Monica Lewinsky, she of the various sexual escapades with former President Bill Clinton, has reminded us again of how money talks and has a way of overcoming alleged victimization.

Following the revelations about Lewinsky and Clinton, Monica bemoaned how public attention had robbed her of her privacy. That constant spotlight eventually led to a revelation that she had aborted a fetus after an affair with a post-Clinton acquaintance.

She stressed how she had no life of her own and deserved to be left alone.

But all that desire for privacy hasn’t hindered Lewinsky in her most recent ventures, such as making the talk show circuit and trying to design and sell handbags and create a career in television.

Steve Johnson of the Chicago Tribune recently discussed the void created for some Americans by the growing absence of constant war news on television. Then he touched on some of the TV happenings designed to plug those gaps.

“Now we’ve again got Monica Lewinsky, who once professed to hate it that her privacy was stolen from her,” says Johnson. “She has reappeared as the host of, yes, a Fox reality-TV show, surrounded by hooded men who look like executioners but are actually, depending on your level of cynicism, suitors for an attractive young woman’s heart or conspirators in that same woman’s desire for notoriety.

“The show’s conceit is that the woman has to pick a guy on personality alone, but, come on, it’s Fox, it’s reality TV, it’s Lewinsky. It’s hard to imagine a less appropriate context for a lesson about personality trumping beauty.”

As for Lewinsky, her desire for attention and her interest in added income apparently have overruled the knowledge that her various indiscretions will continue to be hashed and rehashed in the public arena. She keeps trying to project herself as somebody the public really wants and needs to know more about and to accept and adore. This from a professed recluse? Not exactly the Greta Garbo type.

Are we that starved for television fare? Would our lives be any less enriched if Monica Lewinsky would just fade away, like Kato Kaelin, the vapid O.J. Simpson house guest?

Many would much prefer that Monica be accorded complete privacy from here on in. Anyone willing to finance it?