What are you reading?

Brian Best, computer consultant for Best Macs, Lawrence

“‘Rich Dad’s Prophecy’ by Robert Kiyosaki.”

Debra Badger, homemaker, Lawrence

“I just finished a book about Martha Stewart, ‘Martha Inc.: The Incredible Story of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia'”

Peggy Rasmussen, retired, Lawrence

“I just finished ‘The Girl with the Pearl Earrings.'”

Chuck Magerl, Free State Brewery Inc. owner, Lawrence

“I’m re-reading a book called ‘The Unsettling of America’ by Wendell Berry. It’s probably a 25-year-old book at this point. I’ve read it before and I’m reading it again to see how I’ve changed.”

Nesta Wilson, Lawrence High School senior, Lawrence

“Right now I’m reading ‘Rhapsody,’ it’s a fantasy novel.”