Pope reaffirms celibacy of priests

? The Vatican reaffirmed celibacy for priests Saturday, rejecting arguments that the Roman Catholic Church could resolve the “crisis” of decreasing numbers of clergy by opening the priesthood to married men.

Instead, the Vatican said, current priests should dedicate themselves to attracting more candidates by better explaining the priesthood to lay Catholics and encouraging youths to consider religious vocations.

The reaffirmation was contained in a wide-ranging document issued Saturday as the final conclusions to a meeting, or synod, of European bishops held in 1999. Pope John Paul II held back on issuing the document until now, because he wanted the timing to be right in Europe, Vatican officials said Saturday.

In fact, one of the major thrusts of the document is a reiteration of Christianity’s heritage in Europe, and an exhortation by the pope that European leaders drafting the first EU constitution make reference to the role Christianity has played in shaping the continent.

Earlier this month, EU negotiators finalized a draft of the constitution that made no reference to God or Christianity, despite lobbying from the Vatican. Opponents argued such a reference could undermine the secular nature of the bloc.

Italy has said it planned to reopen the debate over including the reference when governments begin a final review of the text in October.