6News e-Poll looks at ‘bed tax’

Lawrence city commissioners are looking for more ways to increase revenues for next year.

6News e-Poll

World Online Poll

Do you think it’s a good idea for the city to raise it’s “bed” tax on hotel rooms?

Yes, it raises revenue without hurting residents
Yes, we need more money no matter where it comes from
No, it could hurt tourism
No, the City should pay for programs without raising taxes

¢See the results »Note: This is not a scientific poll. The results reflect only the opinions of those who chose to participate.

Should they raise the “bed” tax for hotel rooms?

Tell us what you think: Vote in the 6News e-Poll and see the results this week on 6News at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Sunflower Broadband Channel 6.

Also log on to Reader Reaction to respond to our City in Crisis: The Cash Crunch series by 6News city hall reporter Jeff Golimowski.

The series is a nine-week look at the proposals for reducing Lawrence’s $4.4 million budget shortfall.

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