Be prepared to counter chiggers

After enjoying an extended weekend outdoors, many fireworks watchers are feeling the itch of an unwelcome parasite. The warm weather and high humidity have caused chigger populations to be at an all-time high. So, if you have red itchy welts around your ankles and waist, here is what you can do to protect yourself when spending time outside.

Adult chiggers are a bright red mite that can be found crawling on the ground all year. However, it is the tiny six-legged larval stage that causes trouble. Chiggers do not burrow into the skin nor do they suck blood. Rather, they attach their mouth part to the skin surface around a hair follicle or a pore. They secrete saliva that digests the skin cells and it is this skin slurry that is then consumed.

Much of the itching associated with chigger bites is caused by histamines released from dissolved skin cells. The body’s allergic reaction to chigger saliva causes the formation of a hardened tube called a stylosome in the skin, through which the chigger feeds. Bites may occur anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly found where clothing fit tightly such as the ankles, back of knee, waist, belt line, wrists, and armpits.

Ending chigger attacks begins with personal protection. Avoid areas of tall grass or weeds where little sunlight penetrates to the soil. Such areas harbor the most chiggers. Avoid sitting or lying in such areas or in shaded areas even with short grass or thatch. Chiggers like shaded, moist locations. Repellents applied to shoes, stocking, and pant cuffs deter both chiggers and ticks. The best chigger repellents contain either DEET or permethrin. Make sure you read and follow all label directions when using any of these products.

To reduce chigger populations in your home landscape, keep lawns and weedy areas mowed. Chiggers do not like to hide where the warm sun dries the soil. Chemical acaricides are usually effective if used properly. Products that contain Sevin, Diazinon, and Cyfluthrin may help lower chigger mite populations.

Once bitten, the only way to stop the itching is to seal off the wound from air. Products such as Vaseline, cold cream or baby oil do this. Better yet, use products containing antihistamines. Products such as Caladryl, Cortizone, and benedryl can be found at local pharmacies. If possible, try to avoid scratching the bite. Scratching can lead to secondary infection.